3 years of NZIPP Iris Award Images

Since 2019 I have bitten the bullet and entered images into our National Photography Awards with NZIPP – IRIS.
This is an amazing learning opportunity on curating, editing and printing at a higher level. There is a lot of time invested in making the images entered top notch – lots of feelings and agonising over choices and papers and editing and am I doing the right thing, honestly the mental game is strong with entering images into awards…..
I also attend conference and the judging – ( yay for time away with like minded photographers whose eyes don’t glaze over when you start talking photography – which is all too common at home lol ).
It is incredibly nerve-wracking when your images come up before a panel of 5 top notch, very opinionated judges – sometimes they get the story behind the image, sometimes they don’t. You pretty much sit there and listen to the judges either all score similar and that’s it, or there is a wide variety in opinions – some love it, and have positive things to say to try and get a better score, or others don’t and they try and bring others down to what they are voting ….. incredibly hard to sit there and listen – but in all honesty even the critics help and strength resolve for next year…. its such a huge learning curve, and a way to help improve what I do.
As always it is always about the people I work with giving me moments to treasure and moments to work with. Some of these images are quite a bit different to what was delivered in gallery – wedding creative allows a fair bit of lee-way in interpretation.
I have to say it’s taken me so long to sort this post – I am not a person to brag or show off as I feel that I am doing, but when I look at all these awarded images, I am so proud of all the moments that became these awards, all the treasured moments that I got to share and be a part of. Thanks everyone.
2019 – my first year 1 Silver in Documentary and 2 Bronzes in Wedding Open
2020 – Year 2 – 1 Silver and 2 Bronzes – Wedding Open & Wedding In Camera – this year was all digital entries due to covid.
2021 – Year 3 Wedding Open, Wedding In Camera, Doco 2 Silver , 4 Bronzes
This one proves I do take other images other than wedding lol….